This is my 🌈 baby Layton. He was an unexpected gift from above to help heal my heart. His brother or sister, our angel 👼🏼 baby, would’ve turned 1 today had they made it do their due date. There are lots of mixed emotions when you get pregnant so quickly after a miscarriage. It’s nearly impossible to put into words. I’m thankful that I have this beautiful little boy to put my arms around when I start wondering “what if” or “who would my angel baby be.” I’ll never know why Heaven needed baby Micah. But I do know that things are exactly how they are meant to be. Baby Micah will forever be my favorite what if and the first person I look forward to embracing in Heaven. We may not all be together now but one day the 5 of us will live in eternity together. ❤️ #miscarriage #miscarriageawareness #miscarriagesupport #miscarriagesurvivor #angelbaby #pregnancyloss #pregnancyafterloss #pregnancylossawareness #untiliseeyouinheaven #babyloss #favoritewhatif #whatif #whowouldyoube #rainbow #rainbowbaby #rainbowbaby🌈 #babyboy #mommylife