Memories. It’s a shame that it took a tragic situation for many of us to stop and make precious memories with the ones we love. We’ve created memories with these boys, that will last a lifetime, not while on an expensive vacation but from the comfort of our own home and backyard. This situation has made us closer as a family. Of course we miss our friends, school, church and going out. But the memories we are making are priceless. My boys are probably too young to remember these days, but someday, I will tell them that during one of the darkest times in our country we chose to make the best of the situation. I’m thankful for our health. I’m thankful that my husbands company is considered essential. I’m thankful for the food in our pantry, toilet paper in our bathroom 😜, and the roof over our head. But more than anything, I’m thankful that I get to call these boys my family and that together we will make it through these hard times.