This month is #Preeclampsiaawarenessmonth and I’ve partnered with @PerkinElmer to help raise awareness about the importance for early screening in order to reduce the risk of Preeclampsia. Did you know that every 7 minutes a woman loses her life due to these preventable conditions?
I struggled with gestational hypertension during both of my pregnancies. When I’m not pregnant I have normal blood pressure but during the second trimester my blood pressure begins to rise. I’m thankful that I had a doctor, Dr. Michele Pepperel, that took precautions and did everything she could to help me deliver a healthy baby.

With my first pregnancy I spent 87 days on hospital bedrest in the High Risk Unit. I was only allowed 30 minute wheel chair rides. The goal was to keep my blood pressure at a safe level so that I wouldn’t have to deliver early. I delivered a healthy 6lb 4oz baby boy via c-section at 37 weeks.

My second Pregnancy I spent 80 days on at home bed rest. With it being my second pregnancy we had a better idea of how my body would handle the pregnancy and I was able to stay home with my family. I delivered another 7lb 13oz healthy baby boy via c-section in May of 2019.

I can’t express the importance of early screening for preeclampsia enough. I’m so thankful that I had the medical team that took the extra precautions and helped me deliver two beautiful baby boys.
Take a moment and check out PerkinElmer‘s website to educate yourself more on the topic. The images below are from
their site. Let’s raise awareness.
